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What Are the Biggest Risk Factors for Falls?


Patients, seniors, and other individuals with frail conditions are at greater risk for accidents. These unfortunate events could come in different forms. On top of the list are falls. These may seem like a minimal problem, but they could actually result in serious consequences. The aftermath of falls could be mobility problems, health complications, and even fatalities. People who suffer from falls usually end up in skilled nursing facilities.

Due to the consequences of falls, people may need to take advantage of home health care in Massachusetts. It is undeniably the most convenient way for them to hire rehabilitative services. Through this, patients can receive skilled nursing services at home. Although there are convenient solutions for falls, it is better to be proactive in addressing the problem as much as possible.

There is no way of telling when and where falls would happen. In fact, anyone could be their next victim. Because of this, it is best to enforce safety measures. Hiring home care in Massachusetts is a great start. On top of this, identifying the risk factors for falls enables people to create preventive measures. Keep yourself guided with the help of the list below.

  • Poor balance
  • Home hazards
  • Vision problems
  • Lower body weakness
  • Medication side effects

Make sure to do something about the risk factors that are controllable!

You can depend on Life Streams Healthcare, a healthcare staffing agency in Burlington, Massachusetts, for assistance with fall prevention and home safety.


Blogs, content, and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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